Friday 31 October 2014

Tiens Zinc Plus

 Product Price: (23$) 2300PKR

Detail Description:

For promotion of healthy growth especially in children, eye sight betterment and improvement of hearing ability. Zinc help in the synthesis of more than 80 enzymes in our body. It made the foundation of growth in our body. It made the foundation of the growth of our body. It made the foundation of the growth of our body. It maintains genetic immunity, endocrine system, nerves and nervous system. Deficiency of zinc causes imbalance in our body like malnutrition, loss of memory, movement disorders, senile dementia, make infertility, quality and quantity of sperms and also affects the development of reproductive glands. Helps in growth and development of cells. Those children who have deficiency of zinc faces many development problems like poor growth and dwarfism. Not only related to maintain the development of body systems, but also to our intelligence level as well as strengthens our immune system and helps in development of eye sight.


Each sachet contains 13.3% zinc plus powder, 3.3% ologosocharide,3.4%ereauner, 6.7% vanilla powder, 23.3% glucose.


2 times daily.

3-10 years old: 1 sachet each time.

Above 10 years: 2 sachet each time.

Take with warm water or food stuff

3g into 20 sachets.

Introduction of TIENS Group

Brief Introduction to Tiens Group

Based on the advanced biotechnology industry and diversifying its business into various industries such as finance, real estate, education, culture and modern logistics, Tiens Group Co. Ltd. is a large-scale global enterprise; the domestic manufacturing plants of Tiens are located in the Wuqing New Technology Development Zone of Tianjin.

Tiens Group was established in 1995 and entered the international market in early 1998 with an internationalized paradigm catering to its own development. With branches set up in 103 countries and regions, it has established extensive strategic partnerships with over 10 overseas enterprises in the United States, France, Germany, Malaysia, Spain, Egypt, etc. In China, Tiens has registered over 110 subsidiaries with more than 4,000 monopoly stores. Tiens sells its products in 190 countries and regions, and maintains 10 million regular customers in the world. World Brand Laboratory, a famous world brand evaluation institution, and World Economic Forum honored as Economic UN, jointly issued the list China Top 500 Most Valuable Brands. With the brand value of RMB 7,412 million, Tiens Group ranked No. 64 on the list.

Based on its state-of-the-art biotechnology, Tiens concentrates on the exploration of traditional Chinese medicine and the essence of life-nurturing culture, and has diversified its products into 5 main categories totaling 200 types of products. The quality of its products is further ensured by the importation of world-class production equipments and technologies from Germany, the United States, Britain, France, Japan and other developed countries. The group has obtained the certification of quality system ISO9001: 2000, the national GMP Certification for drugs and health products and HACCP Management System Certification; As the owner of two state-level patents, Tiens has received international honors and awards for many of its national and global-leading production technologies. It has been awarded with the title "National Enterprise with Double Guarantees of Quality and After Service" by the China Association for Quality Inspection and "National Honesty Unit of Consumer Rights Protection with Guarantees of Quality and Service" by China Foundation of Consumer Protection, and also cited as the "Best Enterprise Regarding Global Ecological Security" by the United Nations.

The attainment of Tiens' strategic target of globalization has been assured by its high-caliber talents' group and the localized and systemized management. Among Tiens’ professional employees, 35% are holders of master degrees or above. Tiens Group has almost 5,000 employees, among whom over 1,500 are localized non-Chinese.

In the persistent pursuit of the enterprise value "to be an eligible corporate citizen", Tiens people actively undertake their bounden corporate social responsibility and obligations. Over RMB 300 million has been allocated to establish Tiens Vocational & Technical College, a non-profit private institute of higher education. By the beginning of 2005, Tiens had donated RMB 420 million in cash (mainly foreign currency) and products, and won a high reputation from all circles of the society.